In a lot of textbooks, French animal vocabulary is scattered throughout different parts of the book, and the authors will try to combine the vocabulary lesson with whatever the grammar lesson of that section of the book is (for example, they might teach farm animals as they’re teaching present tense, pets during a past tense lesson, etc.).

But when I was first learning French, I never liked the arbitrary separation between different vocab categories. I wanted to learn all the most common animals together, and since I didn’t get it back then, I’m creating it now. Here’s a list of 64 common animals (nouns) with their French translations. At the bottom are also some fun verbs that might be applicable to some of these French animals vocabulary words.

Categories of Animals

The basic types of animals shown below are mammals (mammifères), amphibians (amphibiens), reptiles (reptiles), and insects (insectes). Just like other nouns in French, they can be masculine or feminine.

Differences between Masculine and Feminine forms

Even though these nouns are gendered, they also are generally meant to apply to both males and females of that species. If you need to specify that a certain animal is male or female, in most instances you would add mâle or femelle after the noun (because most French adjectives follow the noun).

In some cases, the male and female versions of the animal have different names (it’s like how in English, a male horse is also called a stallion and a female horse is a mare). The alternate versions of the animal names are also included in the table below, when applicable.

In the water (Dans l’eau)

dolphinle dauphin
fishle poisson
octopusle poulpe
otterla loutre
sealle phoque
sharkle requin
squidle calmar
whalela baleine

In the forest (DANS LE FORÊT)

beaverle castor
bobcatle lynx roux
coyotele coyote
deerle cerf
foxle renard
rabbitle lapin
raccoonle raton laveur
turtlela tortue
weasella belette
wildcatle chat sauvage
wolfle loup

HOUSEHOLD Pets (LES animaux de compagnie)

catle chat
dogle chien
ferretle furet
hamsterle hamster
ratle rat

In the desert/SAVANNAH (Dans le désert/la savane)

camelle chameau
giraffela girafe
hippopotamus l’hippopotame
lionle lion
zebrale zèbre

In the jungle (Dans la jungle)

gorillale gorille
jaguarle jaguar
monkeyle singe (m) or la guenon (f)
pandale panda
tigerle tigre

On the farm (À la ferme)

duckle canard (a female duck is une cane)
goatla chèvre (a male goat is un bouc)
goosel’oie (a male goose is un jars)
horsele cheval (m), a mare, is une jument
pigle cochon
sheeple mouton (a male sheep, a ram, is un bélier; a female sheep, a ewe, is une brebis)

In the sky (DANS LE CIEL)

batla chauve-souris
butterflyle papillon
dragonflyla libellule
owlle hibou
parrotle perroquet
swanle cygne

Bugs and small creatures (LES Insectes et petites créatures)

antla fourmi
beetlele scarabée
butterflyle papillon
flyla mouche
frogla grenouille
lizardle lézard
mousela souris
rodentle rongeur
scorpionle scorpion
snakele serpent

Animal Related Verbs

All of the conjugation pattern of these verbs are regular -er verbs, except mordre, which is a regular -re verb. Se faufiler is a regular and a reflexive verb.

Sneakse faufiler